#068: Showing up with Courage in Finance

How many times in the last few weeks have you met with others in your organisation to learn about their needs or even challenge one of their decisions?
Today in finance there are two types of professionals, those sitting behind their desks sending out reports and those you are becoming more influential, getting out from behind their desks, meeting with others in their organisations, understanding their needs and delivering value for them.
This distinction is important as our guest mentor Sabine Prenslev Christensen points out that more and more finance professionals are becoming more courageous and they’re the ones becoming more influential and ensuring they will be the ones least likely to be replaced by robots. In this episode some key points we cover are:
• The actions that we’re unknowingly taking in finance and accounting that are holding us back from becoming more influential.
• Deconstructs some simple actions on leading up and leading down that Sabine did with the Danish Navy that reduced time cost and improved the value of insights.
• We go into the courage mindset and why this is important for accounting & finance professionals.
• Shares how you gain respect by having the courage to say ‘No’, trusting in your training and the worst but surprisingly good outcome that came from doing so.

If you enjoyed this episode, check out our time-stamped show notes, key quotes, resources and ways to connect with our guest mentor and more at sitnshow.com/podcast/068.

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